
 Hi, I'm Cyndi Thomsen.

"I'm sorry we have no place for you in Band or Choir, you are tone-deaf." I was ten when I heard these words and had my first dream stolen. By the grace of something greater than me, my mother found me a person to help me change this story.  I fought back by learning to sing.

I have been told many times during my life that I could not do something and each and every time a guide shows up to see that this does not have to be my narrative. I have been guided and directed to never allow another to steal my dream.

Don't get me wrong, there were times when fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome have tried to stop me. Each time, I dug deep to work through fear, overwhelm, and negative self-talk to find the courage to let my beliefs and dreams guide me. 

I realized that my journey and story included helping others understand and learn what I had learned; to be the best version of me, I need to

  • Feel Empowered to Be Me
  • Be Confident to Ask for What I Want and Need
  • Need to have Courage to Share my Story

As I look back over my life, I realize this started at share this in High School when I was a Speaker at my Graduation and my speech was called, BE the Best You Can Be.

Interestingly, I gave a speech at when I graduated with my MBA, Raising Your Dreams from the Ashes.

Like I did during that speech in my forties that you will not wait as long as I did to Create the Life of Your Passion and Dreams.

I work with those who want Great Health, Relationships, Wealth, and Peace of Mind so they can live the life of their dreams!

What is your biggest struggle?

  • Overgiving and not looking after their health.
  • Not Asking for Help and forgetting what brings them true fulfillment.
  • Needing Courage to Follow Dreams or make tough decisions.

I am a seasoned presenter, actor, trainer, and coach with 1000’s of hours working with people just like you. I invite you to connect with me so I can help you take center stage in your life.

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